Digital publishing Solution? - Is YUMPU the best? [Review]

Digital publishing Solution? - Is Yumpu the best? [Review]

I was on a search for a free, easy-to-use digital publishing solution for my web magazine. My checklist included a self-serve digital publishing site that would enable me to upload and deliver my content to mobile channels across the “web landscape.” I needed to find a digital publishing site that could embed video and audio files into my digital content. While navigating through and a few other publishing sites, I found them to be hard to use, much worse, boring. No signs of life were to be found in the images or digital publishing technology the competitors had to offer.

Frustrated, I took a peek at YUMPU Publishing solution found. While turning one incredible page after another in its library of digitally published magazines and content, I was amazed at the color and style of the documents. I just kept clicking page after page; amazed at how this technology enables the pages to turn with extraordinary flair and "rich litheness" that the opponent just can't deliver.

Are You Experienced? Maybe you are searching for a digital publishing service that will send your content of any length into the lives of millions of people on mobile or desktop platforms?

This service can.

Do you want to offer your reader easy-to-read digital magazine or document access for mobile devices?

This service does.

Wondering if YUMPU Publishing is better than or other publishing sites?

Turn the pages of the online samples. If you believe a picture is worth a thousand words, you must try this service. Is it better? Certainly. The digital publishing capabilities span a much wider list of options for your online store, website, or social media page. Loaded with built-in skill and capability this service, is all the way around cooler and more skilled at its’ job.

Table of contents

Do you want to lose your audience?

Slow uploads provide a frustrating experience to your readers. YUMPU Publishing is speedy while other competitors just can’t make the jump. If you choose to use another publishing site, you can expect the documents to upload slowly. Sadly, the high-priced competitors can’t deliver pristine images with rich and bold colors. What they have to offer is images and document quality that are not the same. Simply described, the content does not pop. Lopsided digital technology does not completely display uploaded digital documents on mobile platforms, providing an angering, sales-depleting consumer experience.

Do you need a digital publishing service that is fluid, allowing you to embed sign up forms, videos, or audio files into a PDF?

It can and will with skill and agility.

Do you need to share?

Documents published with Issuu can’t be shared on social media platforms with ease. This factor will provide a frustrating experience for you and your users.

The service is Handy:

  • The technology enables you to embed content on your favorite platform; it becomes an active team member for your online workshop, website, or social media site.

  • It can be used across many software configurations on all devices.

  • YUMPU Publishing supports web standards.

  • You can upload, convert and host documents using HTML5 or Flash View.

  • Designed to make your publication pop to the top of the search list on Google, Bing, and unlimited search engine sites.

  • Customize your YUMPU Publishing to suit your tone and manner, add logos, custom color palettes, and background design to suit your taste.

  • Design and layout options are limitless.

  • The service invades and conquers social networks, putting your content at the top of the search page.

  • It is fancy; you can embed video and audio into your PDF documents!

  • Set up your online shop, you can equip your store and start selling.

  • The service is friendly, offering unlimited technical support.

  • Converts massive pdf documents into web efficient e-papers.

  • It adds fat and rich color that screams to life on any mobile platform.

  • You need the tools to create documents and market them to consumers on the internet, on a desktop, laptop, mobile or tablet apps.

YUMPU Publishing can do it!

With YUMPU Publishing, you can produce, manage and deliver your content into the hands of millions of people. Get ready. Your audience just got bigger. Your online store just became very, very crowded.

If you are looking for the smartest, most agile, no-cost publishing that makes it simple for you to embed your PDF documents into your website or social media community site. Problem solved; a free and easy solution is waiting for you. Turn the page, YUMPU Publishing has a better, richer experience waiting for you and your customers!

Michael Wilson

Hi, I’m Michael Wilson. I am a creative, passionate digital marketing professional with over 12 years of expirience in online marketing. I love everything about digital publishing and that’s why I want to share my thoughts about this matter on my little blog. I hope you enjoy!