Page flipping PDF service which is my favorite

What makes flipbook publisher YUMPU Publishing so popular? Data can be interpreted to maximize its effect and some facts are amended to suit a purpose or a need, but the truth can’t be denied. And the truth for YUMPU Publishing is that it has grown from a small online flipbook publisher to a huge global success because it’s so popular!
But why is it so popular?
This publishing site didn’t get to where it is today without a lot of hard work, dedication, and innovation. It has built a reputation for providing, not only the very best products that offer incredible value to its customers, but it also has a reputation for being a digital publisher’s trusted friend and this is what makes it so popular. You can trust YUMPU Publishing. They host over 31 million magazines for over 1 million unique publishers. You can find YUMPU Publishing in over 220 countries across the world and they get over 1500 users a day to the site. Incredible.
Create a Page Flipping PDF NOW! Get 25% off all plans for 12 months - enter this code: MichaelW25Table of contents
Check out the products here for yourself:
Everyone’s favorite word when they are starting out. Free!!
YUMPU Publishing's free software package also has another wonderful word attached to it. Unlimited. Why limited someone and their chances before they even start? YUMPU Publishing offers you free, unlimited pages per publication for you to experiment with flipbook publishing.
You can then have beautiful digital publications you can share with friends and followers, and this does not cost you a penny.
There are no catch, no hidden costs involved. YUMPU Publishing's free product is a solid foundation on which you can build your publications, their readership, and your future business.
Individualize Your YUMPU Publishing Presence
I guess this product from YUMPU Publishing speaks for itself. But for adFREE, being adFREE is only half the story. Again you can have unlimited page flipping PDF publications with unlimited pages in them.
You can create a magazine a day if you can manage to!
You then have total uninterrupted freedom in your publications that feature no third-party advertisers and no additional brands, only your own.
AdFree doesn’t stop there, you can also secure the content with nine variations of privacy settings, create downloadable publications, track the Google Analytics of each page flipping pdf publication and upload a new version of the same publication should any changes or amends be required.
Welcome to YUMPU Publishing! Welcome to WEBKiosk!
Imagine an online kiosk, dedicated to showcasing your magazines to their very best, giving you the potential to showcase your titles to the maximum. Well, here it is! For as little as €79 a month you can have a fully branded WEBKiosk with YUMPU Publishing. There's also a small one-time set-up fee of €99 for your Kiosk. You can add your logos, your color schemes, and your publications.
This WebKisok can then been seen by all YUMPU Publishing’s millions of readers or private for your readers to access securely should you prefer it.
With the WebKiosks you can include your own advertising that you can manage. Your online bookshelf can be optimized for mobile users and best of all; it’s fully customizable. This service attracts some of the world's most established titles, so you can see why they are getting over 1500 new users a day to the site.
Wouldn't it be nice to have your magazines in an app with you on the go?
Apps make digital publishers nervous. They sound expensive and they sound unmanageable. Well, I can assure you today that they do not need to be anything more than the natural progression of your business. Apps will take you no extra time and cause you no extra stress. YUMPU Publishing, knowing how content is used today, has a dedicated service called APPKiosk for those of us who are ready to take the step into app development.
They have designed a product that takes your publications and delivers them via an app to both iPhones and iPads.
You have totally customizable content, design, and layout. They will allow your readers to store your magazines on their devices to read offline where they choose and best of all, YUMPU Publishing supports you and helps you every step of the way.
All singing all dancing, the PROKiosk is the go-to product if you are ready to join the big boys in digital pdf page flip publishing. With all the experience and expertise that YUMPU Publishing has, the team has generated a service that is second to none. The ProKiosk is dedicated to making your publications look, function, and deliver to the very utmost of their potential. You can monetize your publications with content sales and in-app payments and because of the multiple management users you can have, the whole process is simple and easy to use. YUMPU Publishing has a team dedicated to supporting you and your ProKiosk and all of this is for only €277 a month.
YUMPU Publishing has a product that will suit you and your needs. You can even select between different plans and cancel at any time. So even if you don't want to change publishing websites right now, there is no harm in trying something new.
I can assure you that once you get started using YUMPU Publishing you will wonder why you never changed publishers sooner. I have trusted with my online publishing business and you should too.
Flipbooks are cool- there's no denying that they are good ways to showcase content. I publish a lot of online content, and it matters a lot to me that the design comes out well. It isn't my content- I have teams of writers, and I handle the publication and raising awareness, so a big part of my job is making content look good and convert PDFs to page-turning flip books. Getting this done on a budget is far from easy. There are a lot of different options for turning PDFs into html5 flipbooks or page flipping pdf, but getting that done without having to shell out for a subscription fee each month or compromising on the design is hard.
I eventually settled on YUMPU Publishing as my choice for page flipping PDF, because it has a lot of features in its free tier, but let me explain some background. I think a page-flipping PDF book is a great presentation, because of the way it looks similar to a real book. It can be quite striking, especially to someone who has never seen the format before. Of course, it isn't suitable for all content, but in some circumstances, it can't be beaten.
Here is a short video about this service:
The problem is that it isn't easy to convert PDFs to that format. I say "format" but there are, technically, several different formats that have that page flipping PDF feel. There are a lot of services online that promise to give you a WordPress PDF to flipbook that you can publish, but the results vary quite a bit.
There is a stark divide between free and paid services. Usually, the free ones do an okay job at making the actual conversion, but they have other problems. Some of them stick ads for other things into your content, which I hate.
They generally don't have very good feature sets. The paid versions of those products are a lot more robust, but, of course, you need to pay for them. I don't need these conversions enough to justify the price of these packages, especially as they are usually repeating monthly fees.
As I looked through different page flip software options, I stumbled on YUMPU Publishing through sheer chance. At first, I was skeptical. It looked like all the others- a free tier, a paid tier, and a lot of promises.
However, on a second look, I saw that the feature list on the free tier seemed absurdly good. There was more stuffed into there than most paid services had!
For example, in YUMPU Publishing's format, ePaper works with all kinds of browsers and platforms right out of the box. That means it's easy for readers on mobile devices to read it. You can also share it freely on social media or embed it anywhere you want. That is an example of exactly the kind of freedom that other services make you pay for.
When you make a page flipping PDF, you can add things like music and embedded videos, or make interactive forms that the reader can fill out. In terms of passive benefits, the format is fully indexed by all the big search engines, so it is really easy for people to find your stuff.
Combine that with the easy sharing on social media, and you have a recipe for a format that is very easy to spread around. It works for blogs, too- WordPress PDF flip books are a great way to get some info across. Page flipping PDF isn't appropriate all the time, but there are times when it makes a huge difference.
YUMPU Publishing is very easy to use, and it converts PDFs very quickly. There's also great support if you have any questions. Those alone make it a good option, and when you factor in all the extra features, YUMPU Publishing really is the best choice. The main advantage is all the freedom. Being able to share the html5 flipbook anywhere, embed it anywhere, and give access to all kinds of readers makes it a universal service.