This blog will help you convert your static PDF into an online page flipping PDF.

Flipbook Creator for your business

In June of last year, I decided to take the plunge and start my very own, new car magazine. As the owner, main employee, and with only very small support staff and income, I knew I had to reach way more people than I was with traditional advertising (for which I was paying an absolute fortune!).

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Embed PDF Flipbook to HTML

Embed PDF Flipbook to HTML

The portable document format or PDF flipbook can be embedded or attached to any website using HTML coding, and the demand is high for this knowledge. PDF was created by Adobe Inc. to simplify the sharing of documents without having to install external software, operating systems, or application hardware....

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An open Pre-compiler for Embedded SQL

Our system includes approximately 150 modules that use embedded SQL. In the beginning, we were interested in testing the system against various types of databases, including commercial and open-source, as part of a Linux port. Some of the databases that we tested, such as MySQL...

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Home Grown: Creative Team of the Year Adweek

Last year, as Dwell magazine prepared its fifth-anniversary edition, Creative Director Claudia Bruno took a chance on using a different type of cover image. While her image made the business executives at the magazine nervous, her gamble paid off. Rather than using a ...

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Hi, I’m Michael Wilson. I am a creative, passionate digital marketing professional with over 12 years of expirience in online marketing. I love everything about digital publishing and that’s why I want to share my thoughts about this matter on my little blog. I hope you enjoy!